SKU: 06-5805
IMPORTANT: Due to a high volume of orders, we cannot fulfill orders for this product in accordance with the projected build time. Expect delays.
Standard Features Include
Appropriate Rails Brackets as Specified in Scale Stick Hammers, Bored and Shanked Composite Hammer Butt & Shanks Composite Repetitions Sustain & Soft Pedal Angled Bass Damper Levers Straight Damper Levers Complete Installation Tool
Upright Heel Heights
Please download our Upright Heel Heights Guide for more information on choosing the right size for your piano.
Do You Need A Scale Stick?
Please note that Wessell, Nickel & Gross drills and assembles the rails as part of this product. Please create a scale stick using WNG's instructions and send it to:
Wessell, Nickel & Gross
Attn: Chris
11290 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
For more information on Scale Sticks and how to order a Scale Stick Kit, please visit our Scale Stick page. To download our Hammer Motion Calculator, click here. Please note that you will need the .NET 4.0 framework installed on your computer.
Build Time
Please note that the Assembled Vertical Piano Action is a custom-made product and will take approx. 4-6 weeks to ship to the customer.
Instruction Manual
Click Here for the installation instructions.